On relèvera à ce propos les considérations de Josef Ackermann, le CEO de Deutsche Bank, dans les colonnes du FT du 8 Novembre :
«Investment banking will remain attractive” but “will be more scale-driven, more efficiency-driven ... There will probably be more investment in technology and some of the more sophisticated products will probably be less important – which will lead to a less complex, less sophisticated investment banking model”.
“You will see emerging markets becoming much more open to investment banking products; there will be a consolidation in the industry; those who have a global franchise will be the beneficiaries.”
pronostic difficile à tracer au vu du Q311.
RépondreSupprimer"there will be a consolidation in the industry; those who have a global franchise will be the beneficiaries"
RépondreSupprimerCette phrase aurait du revenir de droit professeur. Félicitation pour votre accord passé avec Kepler.