mardi 8 décembre 2009

Les qualités d'un Investment Banker selon Bruce Wasserstein

Bruce Wasserstein, décédé recemment, était une icone de Wall du M&A. Son ami, Martin Lipton, l'Avocat de toutes les grandes OPA américaines, lui même une légende, a prononcé un hommage ces jours ci que reproduit le WSJ (en lien).

On retiendra, en particulier, dans ce bel hommage ,les qualités qui étaient celles d'un Investment Banker aux yeux de Bruce Wasserstein, au nombre de 6:

1. First and foremost personal integrity — unless you have the trust of the people you advise and the people you deal with, you cannot succeed over the long run.
2. Then Bruce said, judgment is the second most important attribute — not brilliance, but judgment, judgment to bring to bear intelligence, experience and personality in deciding on how best to deal with a situation.
3. Next was salesmanship — the ability to persuade others to accept your advice.
4. Then he said being a good tactician in structuring transactions and negotiating with the parties on the other side.
5. Enthusiasm for the business was Bruce’s next point. A great investment banker likes advising people and likes outmaneuvering people on the other side and, most of all, likes winning.
6. The last point was particularly applicable to the hostile takeover battles at which Bruce excelled — helping people at a point of crisis and the thrill of bringing them through the crisis successfully.

En lien, l'hommage de Martin Lipton dans le WSJ:

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