jeudi 22 octobre 2009

La prise de position de Mervyn King en faveur du "narrow banking" soulève de très vives réactions

Celles-ci sont résumées dans l'article en lien du Times dont nous donnons quelques extraits significatifs:
"Clash between Downing Street and King continues
Clash over banking reform plans, marks the most public row between Whitehall and the Bank of England for decades"titre le Journal.

Au Parlement le Premier Ministre Gordon Brown déclare : : “Northern Rock was effectively a retail bank and it collapsed. Lehman Brothers was effectively an investment bank without a retail bank and it collapsed. So the difference between having a retail and investment bank is not the cause of the problem"
De son coté le Chancelier de l'Echiquier fait valoir:
"I don’t think a Glass-Steagall approach, which might have been right for the 1930s, is right for the 21st century".
Enfin, pour sa part,Lord Turner of Ecchinswell, le Chairman du FSA a aussi critiqué "the idea of splitting banks, saying that modern finance is too interlinked to sever less risky retail banking from “casino” investment banking".

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