mardi 24 novembre 2009

Repenser le business model des Banques de Wall Street

Interessant post dans le blog Information Arbitrage sur 5 propositions pour "repenser le business model de Wall Street".

Le constat est que "the problem is that both regulators and risk managers have not kept pace with the increasing scale and complexity of the 21st century Wall Street ".

D'où la question:" which elements of today's model don't fit and should be shut down or hived off?

L'auteur propose 5 idées dont on pourra lire les attendus dans le post en lien.
"Idea #1: Separate proprietary trading operations from Wall Street firm
Idea #2: Push over-the-counter assets onto exchanges
Idea #3: Eliminate sell-side payments to rating agencies (and perhaps the agencies themselves)
Idea #4: Revisit risk-weighted capital methodologies and move towards a mark-to-market framework
Idea #5: Give traders an equity interest in their strategies "

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